Thursday, 19 February 2009

Mish Mosh

What a mish-mosh! Everything has gone green! And there's lines for the writing! Lines!!!

Well I've learnt enough to find a tidier three columns, but they are green and liney, but I also learnt how to save my widgets, which is cool. I foresee this being a blog of shifting colours and blurring lines over the next couple of days....I have time for that right?


Sara Moriarty said...

If you do make the time I say BRAVO. These things can be overwhelming and oh so frustrating. I think you are moving in the right direction though.

Heck, you may have even given me a little push to get my own layout/header together.

If not, it is me, not you! :)


Anonymous said...

I like the notion of the Universe talking, quite revealing. Perhaps this connects with the notion of the Spirit Talking?!