Wednesday 6 February 2008

Fox and the first journey

So this is the picture from my first journey. I have tried to stay true to the original sketch, and this is my second attempt.

Interestingly, or not, I didn't write anything about this first journey, no words seemed that important to remember...Do I stay true to that also?

I want to mention Odelya, the beautiful woman (who did have a very girl-like figure) standing in the left foreground. Odelya drummed for our first journey...Mark and I both journeyed at the same time, on the living room floor with a big chunk of rose quartz between our heads...Odelya was the original squashy goddess in my life...many goddesses, just Odelya was the squashy one.

We were in touch for a few years but have lost contact :(

All through my Journey Odelya was there as a presence, but I only saw her as pictured, wearing her big red hat, and I was only ever aware of her when I was watching over her shoulder watching fox and I dance and play. I was nothing but the essence of my self, a cloud of golden sparkling light.
That's all fox and I did on this journey play and hug and chase...joyous, had been waiting for me right at the star of the journey, excited and impatient wanting to show me his home. I learnt from fox to trust actions above words.

This was my first shamanic journey. I had had visions and messages from guides before this, but I think this may remain the starting point for here.
Fox is lovely.

Thank you Fox and Thank you again Odelya.

Original bridge building sketch