Saturday, 30 May 2009


"What do you mean 'come back to Spirit'? do you mean re-connect?"

Connect and re-connect seemed too distant, too separate...

"No I just mean come back, return, come back to being"

We had reached an impasse in explaining, in understanding, some things are just like that, too delicate, the nuance too specific...but it left me frustrated and feeling unable to connect with my new teacher.

That night as I drifted off to sleep I meditated on the conversation, and it came to me. In sweet, blissful simplicity..."Come back to breath". It was a technique offered to me once, any moment, any problem, overwhelm, pain, desire, come back to breath and it was simply that, with Spirit.

Every moment of life it is there, in your lungs, in your process of being, in the air around you, shared by every living thing, touching everything else; Breath. You could not notice it for years, try to hold it, ignore it, it still sustains your every moment...and takes only a slight shift in focus to notice it, to come back to it, to let it in more fully, enjoy it and revel in it. Spirit was like that, only more pervasive.

So now I am blessed, and noticing.

Friday, 29 May 2009


This is from the original One Giant Leap film...It's what we're dancing to today ♥

Thursday, 28 May 2009


Still working on the giveaway project! It's a teensy bit possible it might not appear 'til tomorrow! (shhhh... I don't think anyone noticed!)

But I've brought you some gorgeousness instead to keep you busy while I finish...
I'm hoping that you've all had the pleasure of seeing the film 'One Giant Leap', this trailer I found today was such a lovely dip into it the One Giant Leap vibe we played it numerous times just to dance and soak it up... It's from One Giant Leap's new project "What About Me" .

Wednesday, 27 May 2009

Health, Remend and Remeber!

This little post is just here for me
To commit and remind and remember to be
True to myself, honest and brave;
Stand up for my health
And my oddest of ways...
For there is the sweetness
Of succulent life
Full flowing Love
In it's Dancing Delight.

Tuesday, 26 May 2009

I Feeeel Love!

I've had such a life full of treats and adventure recently!! There is just so much to do in life!!! I could do with re assesing my priorities...I haven't vacummed in over a week (think I've got that one about right) but plan on getting to it soon...I'm not huge on dusting and not do ironing except for super fun...(fixing fabric paint, flattening pictures, melting crayons) reasons...but I'm beginning to feel that perhaps I might miss something a little more serious if I don't pay some attention to more mundane bits of life soonish. Definitely have a nagging sensation that I'm not taking my grown-up responsibilities seriously enough!

Here's some of the stuff I've been doing the last week or so....

Making Anime costumes for the London Anime Expo (photos to follow)
Shamanic Journeying with Eva Weaver through her WildWing Centre
Hanging out with my cousin Tom and discovering Tom's Bar in Brighton (photo's to follow)
And seeing the amazing Blue Man Group live at the Brighton Centre....Like This!::::

Monday, 18 May 2009


I have to write how grateful I am! So much seems to be flowing together, gifts and opportunities, lessons and opening...I am reminded of two things:

One, the feeling of something big coming...I had that sensation recently for a week or two and now it opens and unfurls in front of me with such incredible blessings and timeliness. Quite an extraordinary and gentle sensation...part of which I think I have to thank someone in particular, which I will in a moment...

And Two, I suddenly had a super strong sensation and rememberance today of the word I chose at the beginning of this year...Astonishing. Things are going to be astonishing! Things are going to be astonishingly different at the end of this year.

Life has brought me several gifts in the last few weeks in the way of changing things and offering healing support and of the most beautiful ones recently has been the gift of Anandi.

I have Known Anandi for nearly fifteen years, (she taught yoga as warm up for the Ninjutsu classes I used to go to) and over the years I have received a couple of Reiki and Cranial Sacral Therapy sessions from her. I bump into Anandi regularly and a couple of weeks ago she offered me a CST session as she does sometimes, and as every fibre of my body was practically in tears of exhaustion at that moment, I very gratefully took her up on the offer.

Two weeks later, what can I say?...The entire process of surrendering to healing with this amazing woman has been a gift! From being listened to and witnessed with love, to being secreted away in her Sanctuary of a therapy room, to the gentleness with which her hands listened to the knots and imbalances in my body, It strikes me that everyone, especially every mum (sorry but I'm biased) should be blessed with an Anandi!

If the sessions of rest, relaxation and amazing easing and tender care of aching muscles was not enough, the emotional releases that letting go of those physical tensions have brought about in every day life have been astounding to me. I've stepped out of Anandi's Treatment room feeling like a ten year old, physically feeling healthy in a way I thought my age and having two children had taken me way past, and found that emotionally the changes have stayed with me all week: I'm regularly dreaming vividly for the first time since having our youngest nearly three years ago. I feel less driven, yet get more done, and am having AHA!! moments aplenty.

All I can say is Thank You Thank You Thank You!!! Life Is Gorgeous! And if you live anywhere near Brighton try looking up Anandi Devadasi!

Sunday, 17 May 2009

Not sure about this one.

Constant Change

Everything Always in a State Of Flux
Living is Vibrant and Loss Happens Lots
Surrender to Breathing to Get Through The Day
Everything Changes it's Own Opening Way

Tired from Fighting The Pull in my Heart
That Calls Out to So Much, To Relish it's Part
Realising Slowly The Terror of Death
That Plagues, from the inside, Every Breath

The Focus on Moment is Tainted with This
The fear of it Ending, the Things I Would Miss
So there is my constant, the pull and the strain
Between Loving it fully and Feeling That Pain.

Friday, 15 May 2009

Gorgeous tailcastness

Before I leave it any longer I want to say "woo hoo" and Thank you to the tailcast cast and especially Milas as both 'It Is What It Is' and 'Just Pondering' were Featured Poems in the last ten days on tailcast.

This is this months tailspin, the gorgeous, and now available to buy and own in wonderful printed bookness, monthly magazine of selected tailcast member's work.

I think it's available in North America and the UK... and if you check out nothing else then ManDartin's poem You Are The Miracle features on page 25 made me cry twice! He has several stunning pieces on his tailcast page. My tailcast page is here.

Saturday, 9 May 2009

Whose Sandals I Have Untied

I've been very blessed by the actions of others this week and this is a little poem I have loved since childhood that keeps playing in my head.

Whose Sandals I Have Untied

All creatures she loves,
And despises none.
Words of healing she speaks,
And judges not.
Her heart in quietness she gives,
And takes not.
But blessed is she
Because she does.
Always she does
And always with mercy;
And all are blessed
By her doing.

Dudley Buxton

Thursday, 7 May 2009

It Is What It Is

Turning the seed thought
Over in my mind
Rolling it
Feeling it
Pebble smooth
Knocking against me.

It is how it is.


And my little voice of self defeat
Sing songed
And that's how it will be!

But slowly my
Beloved seed
Pebble smooth and turning
In my mind
Began to sprout
A little shoot
And hope grew in my heart.


It is not what will be...
It is what it is
What will be
Is what will be.

Tuesday, 5 May 2009

There You Are!

And then I remembered!
As soon as
I lay where I wanted
It was there:
The grain of sand
Is God,
The All That Is
Existence itself.
So amazing
To see It in every grain
Every blade
Yet be blind to it
When I look at myself!

Monday, 4 May 2009

Just Pondering

There are so many ways I have changed.
So many versions of me
They seem to be
Lives themselves.
Yet still the core of me remains
Colourful, uncomfortable and awkward,
Hopeful, loving and untoward.
Where is the wisdom in this?
Where is the continuing presence
With lessons learned?
How can I get it wrong again and again?
Or is it right?
Where is that grain of sand, that grain of me
So tiny
Yet so essential
As to be my mountain of Self;
The strength
To hold all this coherent?

Saturday, 2 May 2009

Super Lucky!

I'd never even heard of latte art, my coffee was so pretty!

Feeling Super Lucky to be living where I live today...the sun shone, the washing dried, time at the park (5 mins from my house), bumped into friends, received offers of healing time, met new people, drank jasmine tea, listened to the birds...the list goes on...Super Super Lucky.

There is something big happening, quietly, gently, something is shifting. I'm usually all gung-ho at this point, pushing and rushing at change, a bit like a kid at Christmas shouting "What is it? What is it?" but actually this time I don't even want to know...I want it to be so slow, so gradual as to be imperceptible...because If I don't know what it is I can't panic and muck it up. Change is coming, it's all good and I think I'll just allow it and enjoy my cups of coffee and occasional sunset walks in town.