Thursday 22 January 2009

David Mack

Nic Endo

Echo.  The cover to Daredevil 03555 from my second Echo story.
Today's post is just an out and out treat! I had the pleasure of discovering David Mack's stunningly beautiful Kabuki series back in the late nineties...I still have my few cherished 'comic' books (I know, graphic novels!! I'm just embracing the enjoyment of my inner child.) in their plastic sleeves on my bookcase. They are one of my few possesions from our life before we sold our house and gave away it's contents to go live in a mobile home back in 2000.
Today I have discovered that I can now create these links from his myspace albums to help share the amazing beauty of his work.
There are a few other artists I watch on myspace and if they have done the same thing to their albums you can look forward to some more introductions
Big Kiss
A page from KABUKI vol 2- Dreams.

A page from my ECHO story in Marvels Daredevil


Smith Crew said...

Your art is beautiful. I just started The Atist's Way (and by just I mean 5 weeks ago) and I'd like to add your blog to mine so I can be inspired by your work, your words, and your passion. I also like to see how other moms find the time to create!

SisterJulia said...

Thank you for your lovely comment Amber Ann!

As for how I personally find time to's more sporadic than it seems...I too have a very supportive husband...and I spend many an hour feeling like a rubbish mum.

I can also honestly say that I am a much happier, more compassionate, gentle and giving mum when I make time to create.

I spent about four weeks getting through week five by the way!

Smith Crew said...

Thank you for your comment back to me. Its nice having a little support group :) And that's good to know it took you a while with week 5! I'm thinking of starting over with it.. maybe dabbling back into week 4... is that allowed??