Much amazing Love,
Two beautiful sons,
I grew by the beach,
But I'm not yet done.
I like to play with paper,
Paint and beads and gum.
Creation can be messy
But Spirit's in the fun.
I hold this wisdom In my skin The Knowing Universe Guides within Flows as Love Encompassing Through tender thoughts That turn to syn To reach and touch And light again The long spent stars Where we began
I breathe in the breeze That brings you to me All wisdom and wildness and something set free You spill over edges Of realities and the Everything That cannot contain you.
I am small and relentless, intensely myself As I turn Inside beauty And staggering depths I endlessly breathe just to stretch with each breath to catch even particles of that which I love
A golden cube of solid joy Turns rays of light toward me refracting through suspended breath The full spectrum of beauty Expanding then, in every cell A brightening glow of life The tantalised exquiteness Releases with my breath
Monday, 9 August 2010
I feel my boots and push my roots deeper into Her balancing and drawing on solidity of earth
In my mind I clearly see what I had done before and tenderly withdraw my roots from those that I adore
I'm a connoisseur Of the air Of the vibes Eternally aware Of your hides And your lies Of the rise in emotions You so passively guise I am a connoisseur
Yes, I'm a connoisseur Well trained In my art Of eternal shell stepping And avoidance of hurt Practiced in caring To the point I'm inert So my new connoisseurship Will be my own heart
Hmmm not sure about this one at all...but it's my offering for this weeks OSI prompt connoisseur
wisdom winds branches round branches and spreads them and leans ever higher growth upon self taking support from it's own mirrored growing outstretched and trusting a hundred years slow
and I am the speck am the fleetingest colour that rests at the roots in a moment of hope that somehow this wisdom will touch me and impart that I might learn something a hundred years slow